Saturday, February 16, 2013

Get ready to PLY this summer!

The hand of Jacey Boggs about to PLY.

Hooray for the new Knit Edge Magazine!

The new magazine Knit Edge from Cooperative Press is an electronic delight! Lots of great info, patterns, images and more, and it's oh-so-green!

What's more, publisher Shannon Okey and team were kind enough to review my 2013 Walking Wool Wall Calendar of sheep shots and fiber fun in Issue Two, on page 5. (There's also a print ad in the back, designed by the brilliant Alyson Lee.)

Go and subscribe at Cooperative Press, so you won't miss an issue.

Wishing them all a great launch year, and many thanks for the attention and support!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bok Choy, Pineapple & More: 17 Plants You Can Grow From Kitchen Scraps Black Thumb Gardener

Bok Choy, Pineapple & More: 17 Plants You Can Grow From Kitchen Scraps Black Thumb Gardener: Last year we wrote about how simple it is to re-grow bunches of celery and green onions on a windowsill, but it turns out those experiments are just the beginning. Black Thumb Gardener has a list of 17 plants that can be grown from kitchen scraps, including ginger, sweet potatoes, lemongrass, and even pineapple.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lovely Hungarian Fiber Artist from Budapest . . . (you can translate her blog!)

Harmatcseppek...: Valami kékes: Valami kékes dologhoz gyűlnek: A teljes mennyiség 2000m kell legyen. Ennek kb. a háromnegyede állt elő merinóból, ba...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

From my fiber friend Betsy

"I thought you might enjoy this - the sweater I made for Dorothy out of the sheep she is holding. The fleece won a first prize at Cummington and she had it processed into pin roving for me to spin."

A Sanity Maintenance Project, seamed, sealed and delivered to the expecting mama