Friday, October 22, 2010

Tomorrow is Sheep to Shawl, Llama to Pajama in Worcester

Packing my bags for tomorrow's participation with Guild members at SSLP 2010. Where has the month gone? Find myself repeating such expressions lately. Got some good dye days in with marigold, carrot tops and different metal pots. Broke a part of my wheel (a first!) and had to send to Louet for a $7 replacement. Whew! Arrived in time for the weekend. Have been knitting more and will post one recently completed project. Moving on to some glorious roving that's been long awaiting my hand.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Worcester's Own Green Hill Park Farm

Who knew? Well, for many, many years Worcester has had the privilege of hosting a small farm complete with ovines, equines, and . . . swines, as well as poultry, both domestic and wild. Plus, a hothouse, vegetable and fruit gardens all devoutly tended to by Harry Carr for the City of Worcester. Green Hill Park Farm, located in Green Hill Park in Worcester, has FREE admission and I encourage all to visit the farm and see the flora and fauna, and the lovely view from atop the very Green Hill.

The Farm will be the host of the upcoming Sheep to Shawl, Llama to Pajama 2010, slated for Saturday, October 23rd, 12 noon to 4PM. An education celebration of the animals that share their fiber for to make our clothing, the event is a hands-on experience for all ages. Participants include fiber related businesses, nonprofits, and farms from around Worcester County. It's a local, grassroots project spearheaded by Saori Worcester Freestyle Weaving Studio.